deferring certain non-urgent appointments
Page updated: October 25, 2022
You are seeing this message because this type of appointment is not currently available for booking.
Dr. Anne Mullen Grey has sustained an injury that is limiting her mobility. As a result, she is currently deferring certain types of non-urgent appointments such as adult health exams and some well child visits for children.
Important: If you have a specific medical concern (even if it’s non-urgent), please review the scheduling options on your physician's regular booking page under “any other reason not listed on this page”. There is no need to defer appointments related to specific medical concerns.
During this time, additional phone appointments for non-urgent issues have been added to her schedule. In-person urgent appointments with Dr. Mullen Grey or the "on-call MD" will continue to be available to address urgent medical issues.
The Magenta Health Team and Dr. Mullen Grey appreciate your understanding and patience.