You have been asked to re-submit your health number and version code as there was a problem in validating the information originally submitted. The form to do so is at the bottom of this page. If you are trying to register as a patient for a first time, please use the main registration page instead.
In most cases, the problem validating your original information is that there's just a simple typo, usually in the version code. The information below summarizes how to find your health number and version code on various versions of your OHIP card. Notably, some versions of the red and white card do not have a version code, but all versions of the photo card do have a version code.
If you have been told multiple times that your information will not validate, please send us a message by using the reply link in the top section of the email we sent to you regarding this problem. Once we receive your message, we will manually investigate the problem and a member of our team will be in touch to advise of next steps. It may be, for example, that your OHIP has expired and needs to be renewed, or your card has been reported stolen, etc...
Health Number and Version Code
Here is how to find your health number and version code on various versions of your OHIP card.
Source: Health Card Validation Reference Manual - Ontario
Source: Health Card Validation Reference Manual - Ontario